Thais Fernandes has a degree in journalism. Works with cinema (Editing and Directing), Theater (directing, video designer and acting) and research the hybrid narrative (cinema, theatre and internet).
From 2007 to 2009 was Finishing Coordinator at Núcleo de Especiais, RBSTV. In 2009 was assistant editor at Casa de Cinema de Porto Alegre, participating in the series “Fantasias de uma Dona de Casa” and “Família Brasil”, both broadcasted by RBSTV, and “Que exploração é essa?”, broadcasted by Canal Futura.
Still in 2009 was curator and producer of the film exhibition "Santiago Álvarez – The Eye of the Revolution", that brought to Porto Alegre the work from the Cuban filmmaker. In 2011 won one of 4 scholarships awarded by IBERMEDIA to participate at the IV Diplomado en Documental de Creación in Cali, Colombia. In 2013 was selected to 8º Talent Campus Buenos Aires, and in 2014 selected to Berlinale Talents, both events created for young filmmakers designed by BERLINALE.
Currently develop projects in partnership with Liliana Sulzbach, with the Theatre group Teatro Sarcáustico and with Cena Expandida.


Documentário | HD | 14'30''
De Emiliano Cunha, Lívia Pasqual e
Thais Fernandes
Assista ao filme na íntegra
(legendas em português, inglês e espanhol)
Highlights the following works:
• The Invented City (2014 | Webdocumentary / Transmedia project)
2º Level of the transmedia project started with the awarded movie "The Village". The webdocumentary explores the mystery of a small town in the south of Brazil that is disappearing. Through a guided tour over a map, the visitor can know the place’s buildings and dwellers, and also gradually unveil the mystery that involves this peculiar town.
General Coordination and video editing: Thais Fernandes
Direction: Liliana Sulzbach
Sound Design: Kiko Ferraz Studios
Layout Development: TAT STUDIO
Website Development: Cupcake Sweet Entertainment.
• Passaporte para o Exílio (2013 | Transmedia performance)
Why artists keep moving from place to place? Is a single city/place able to feed all our artistic needs? Actors, filmmakers, musicians, visual artists and other artists reflects about physical space and creation on their work.
Performance designed on the internet, with a live presentation presented also on streaming.
Directors: Ricardo Zigomático and Thais Fernandes
• Welcome to the Party (2013 | 05 min) - Clip
Clip made to Melody Band
Director and Editor: Thais Fernandes
• Love Contract (2012 | 3’40’’ min)
In a square of Santiago de Cali, Colombia, it is still possible to order words of love.
Screenplay and Directors: Camilo Rodriguez, David González, Leonor Jiménez e Thais Fernandes
Editor: Thais Fernandes
• Window – (2012 | 3 min.)
The windows are like the eyes of a house. When opened, by them enters the world.
*Winner at “Tr3s Minutos”, in the category free theme.
Director and Editor: Thais Fernandes
• Cities Redesign – (2012 | 15 min)
Cities Redesigned presents the current issue of urban development from the point of view of the illustrators, cartoonists and humorists Santiago and Edgar Vasques. With great sense of humor, the two talk about estate speculation, chaotic traffic, segregation of private condominiums, the ecological unsustainability and poverty. Produced by Tempo Porto Alegre to Canal Futura.
Director: Liliana Sulzbach | Editor: Thais Fernandes
• Felizardo – Um retrato em Meio Tom (2012 | 15 min)
Short documentary about the work of Luiz Carlos Felizardo, recognized Brazilian photographer.
Director: Liliana Sulzbach | Editor: Thais Fernandes
• Sonho de Guri – (2011 | 4X15 min.)
A documentary series about boys who dream of being soccer players.
Produced by Tempo Porto Alegre to RBSTV.
Director: Liliana Sulzbach | Editor: Thais Fernandes